Monday, December 8, 2008

In Eckleburg's Eyes - 12/8/2008, Part 2

As planned, I spent Saturday night, with JTH and ALK. Unfortunately, we did not go to Clemson, South Carolina, as we had hoped.

JTH, ALK, and I had agreed that if the Tennessee volleyball team won its opening game in the NCAA Tournament, we would travel to Clemson for their second game on Saturday night. Unfortunately, they lost a heartbreaker on Friday night in five sets to the host Clemson Tigers, 25-19, 19-25, 25-19, 23-25, 15-12. Thus, we spent the night in Knoxville.

On Saturday afternoon, I met JTH at Cici’s Pizza where I would watch him eat. I was not hungry at the unusual dining hour. I have actually never eaten at Cici’s. While there, one of the fellow customers looked eerily like WAM. This is the best surveillance photo I could get. I managed to take several shots without getting beaten. It is only time, my friends.

JTH had just come from MoFoS. It seems that CTH had not been fired as originally thought. The store decided to simply no longer schedule him. Not only this, but the schedule was also hidden so that he would not find this out immediately. Movies 4 Sale: taking passive aggression and non-confrontation to new levels. It is worth noting that TK moved the hidden schedule into plain sight. He was not doing this out of courtesy, but rather so that he would get to witness CTH’s reaction firsthand.

After eating, JTH and I went to Kohl’s. He had received what amounted to store credit for shopping there on Black Friday and it was expiring on this day. This display shows that Tennessee paraphernalia had been discounted to 55% off. It really was a bad year.

Afterwards, we went my house and continued the process of wrapping gifts. We had the unexpected pleasure of a visit from PAT and CM. They were in town from Kennesaw as PAT filmed yet another wedding. They were in my area having just been to McKay’s. PAT admitted his surprise that he did not see me there. They chatted for awhile and even watched a video TK had made for his speech class on how to “work” at MoFoS. It was priceless. I cannot post it or reveal its contents as it has been deemed classified.

Shortly after they left, ALK joined us. She had spent the morning at St. Mark United Methodist Church where she played the role of an elf. You may remember that Santa was to read the children Christmas stories. Unfortunately, his false beard coupled with the weather fogged his glasses up, so ALK, the Elf read, the story instead. I founded this story priceless. JTH and I concluded that she is the us of her church. She gets stuck with all of the jobs that no one else wants.

It was a night of rings. No, unfortunately ALK did not play handbells. She did, however, where jingle bell earrings. She enjoyed giving us negative replies so that she could shake her head. She also downloaded new ring tones for her phone. The fact that she retrieved Trans-Siberian Orchestra (including “Christmas Canon”, one of my favorites) almost made up for the fact that she also had selections from Achmed the Dead Terrorist (a Jeff Dunham creation).

We wrapped gifts and watched a movie. At ALK’s suggestion we watched the 1954 film White Christmas. JTH did not know it was a musical and was alarmed when he discovered this fact. I guess the facts that Irving Berlin wrote it or that Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye starred did not tip him off. By the way, I did some investigating and learned that Danny Kaye was married for 47 years. Has there ever been a more homosexual heterosexual?

JTH did learn a new word during the film. White Christmas features a musical number called “Minstrel Show”. As noted, JTH had never heard of this concept before and thought that the actors were singing about a menstrual show. He was quite alarmed until he was corrected.

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