Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prayer Blog - 7/19/2008

My wonderful cousin HANW will be traveling to Louisville, Kentucky, tomorrow to audition for American Idol. Her father will accompany her on the trip. She plans on singing Bonnie Raitt’s 1991 hit “Something to Talk About” for the judges.

Pray for safe travel, that her audition goes well, and that she is pleased with the experience, whether or not she is selected or not.

1 comment:

Chandler Vinson said...

My cousin had a successful trip to Louisville and has returned home safely. She was told that she was not what they were looking for by representatives of the show. She felt she was hindered by the girl immediately in front of her being a hard act to follow. She handled it well as she does with virtually everything. I am so proud of her.

Thank you for your prayers.