I had a good, but very busy, Memorial day weekend - going to a play, preaching, celebrating two special birthdays, and seeing both sides of my extended family.
On Friday afternoon, SMA and I met for lunch at Colonel’s Deli. He is well. On Wednesday he began class in preparation for the bar exam on July 30-31. In the course of his studying, I learned the difference between theft and robbery. As I understand it, theft is the taking of an object while robbery is the taking of an object from a person. Good to know.
He was to meet CST later in the day to view Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. CST seems to be doing well with the loss of his job and the downsizing of Jewelry Television. If there is anything remotely wrong with him physically, it should be detected soon. This week he has seen a general practitioner, eye doctor, dentist, etc. He is getting all of his medical needs met before his insurance runs out. That is really smart.
At the restaurant, an event occurred that could only happen to me. An obnoxious representative from the health department named Melinda inspected the establishment. In the course of her nitpicking, we learned a great deal about the deli. It was first opened in 1982 and she was interested in whether or not the deep fryers had been replaced since then. I could not blame her for asking as I honestly assumed they had not but her shouting that this would “make or break” her report was totally unnecessary. The owner was able to get his rating raised from 81 to 83, but this is far lower than the place usually scores. We know all of this because she was so loud that she could be heard across the restaurant where we were sitting. I may call and complain. Who inspects health inspectors?
This greatly affected me and not just because it offended me that the sweet couple who own the joint was under attack. The poor owner was frazzled, and while trying to multitask, ran my credit card bill as $217.67. Placing that extra two in front of my bill was significant (I owed SMA a meal, hence the large tab). The food was good, but not that good. SMA and I thought about just accepting a couple hundred bags of potato chips as compensation or getting some form of golden ticket. We also thought about making it a down payment on the place, which would have me entering as patron and leaving as the owner. The fact that we would then be the ones dealing with the abrasive health inspector nixed this line of thinking.
After about a half an hour of calls, the owner learned how to reverse the charges. I hated to add to his troubles. I am convinced that if SMA had paid, this would not have happened.
On Friday night, my parents and I went to Westminster Presbyterian Church where I saw two of my neighbors perform in a production of "Once Upon A Mattress." EMJ (aka “Buz”, not a Chan nickname) stole scenes as the mute King Sextimus. His son (older than I) JMJ, played “Sir Studley.” I am relatively certain I will call him by his character’s name the rest of his life.
In 1994, the church, literally situated in my neighborhood, founded the Westminster Players, their own theater company. Each spring, they present their big annual production. They worked for two months to put this on and it was great. “Suggested donations” were $12 for adults and $5 for children. All proceeds went to the youth program’s 2009 budget.
I have been before. The first year I went (2002), I saw my undergraduate New Testament guru DLD in “Fiddler on the Roof.” He was good but I was really glad that I saw him act after I was in his class.
"Once Upon a Mattress" is a musical comedy that opened off-Broadway on May 11, 1959, and then moved to Broadway with Carol Burnett as lead. The play openly admits that it is adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea.” The play was produced with permission from The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.
After the play, I rushed to Applebees to meet SCB, JTH, and JBT. In addition to conversation, we watched the Lakers beat the Spurs 101-71 to go up 2-0 in the Western Conference Finals.
GAB joined us later after all four of us simultaneously texted him. He was a little dejected as he had broken up with his girlfriend earlier in the day. He cited the reason as consistent fighting. He did note, “I just call her “Shamu” every now and then...she told me she doesn’t like it” He seemed honestly surprised. I must admit that said in GAB's endearing Filipino accent reminiscent of Fez on "That 70's show", it did not sound as bad as if someone else said it. The ironic thing is that the girl is not even that big.
I also learned of an incident as MoFoS earlier in the day. One of the infamous CDM’s ex-boyfriends made an unwanted appearance. (No word on whether this is the one she is engaged to.) She had Cole, a fellow employee, escort her out of the building. This inappropriate incident was the final straw and she was not scheduled for the next week. She lasted approximately a week at the easiest job in the world.
With their wedding just 64 days away, JBT and SCB have most of their work completed. Actually, JBT insists he is done, leaving the remaining chore of sending invitations to his fiancé. She has done most of the work, but some people have not given her their address. To say she is not pleased with this is quite understated. If hell freezes over and I get married, I think I will just send out invitations via e-mail. Actually, in lieu of gifts, I will include a link to my PayPal account.
Our usual waitress Megan was not there. So we had her sister Amy call her on vacation in Myrtle Beach. Signs we eat there way too much...
We long ago bonded with Megan. When she first met, SCB. she complimented her saying that she looked like she played sports. SCB replied, “Are you trying to say I look like a lesbian?” We have been friends ever since. For the record, SCB did play college basketball at Emory and Henry College.
On our way out JTH and I saw WC, a kid we used to have at the daycare. He will be entering his freshman year in high school. He is bald with a goatee and were he not with his father, we would not have recognized him. We are so old...
Saturday was RAW's 28th birthday. I visited him and delivered his gifts - a Lego Star Wars AT-AP Walker (Walker, get it?) a McFarlane Kevin Garnett action figure (not a doll) and I am Legend on DVD (I shrunk wrapped it myself) . It was all wrapped in a massive Elmo gift bag, partly because KJW will love it and partly because it was the only bag big enough to hold the Legos. The gift was a hit. How could it not be? Star Wars and Legos represent two of the best things EVER created. I will truly feel old on the day I can no longer shop for my friends in toy departments.
As part of his birthday present, I opted to use stock photos, not requiring him to pose for “one for the blog.” Note: KJW was still at her Nana’s from the previous night's sleepover. She never gets a reprieve from the camera.
RAW and KLTW celebrated his birthday the night before as she had to work on Saturday. They went to the movies and saw The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. He was pleased with how closely the film followed the book. He would definitely know. They must have as they made a 256-paper paperback book into a 144-minute movie.
On Saturday night, my family celebrated my uncle REN's 55th birthday. He will officially hit the double nickel on Tuesday (May 27th). Fifteen family members and friends attended. We grilled hamburgers on his new grill, purchased the night before. My cousin, DJ, once the chef at the now defunct (and posh) Cha Cha’s Restaurant, handled the cooking. (Note: The restaurant went out of business after he moved, so he clearly had nothing to do with its demise.) The weather cooperated famously and you can tell from our centerpieces, the decor was glamorous.
It was a special night as all four of my cousins - HANW, HANJ, ACN, and HLN were in town for the celebration. All five of us had not been in the same place since HANJ’s wedding on December 30th.
In a family/friend update:
HANW is doing great. She was to sing at the church the following day, as usual. Two things of note in this photo. Both she and my next oldest cousin HANJ are wearing Madras shorts. Second, note how thin her chin is. She worked very hard for this effect.
- HANJ came from Pensacola with her husband to be there. She is enjoying her first job as a nutritionist and has advanced as far as she can in Pensacola. Though it has been a good first job, she hopes for something more challenging in her next position. Her husband, DJ, received a promotion from the Air Force one month ahead of schedule. We are all very proud of him. He moves to San Antonio in October with his wife following in November. At that time, they will have a choice whether to live in Abilene, Texas, (Dyess Air Force Base) or Rapid City, South Dakota (Ellsworth Air Force Base). I cannot imagine picking South Dakota though she assures me it is nice.
- DJ stills pays my youngest cousin for back rubs though a new arrangement has been reached. On his last visit, he paid a flat $20 for the entire trip of massages on request. She learned her lesson.
ACN is in for a month before returning to Massachusetts for her summer job at Camp Lenox on June 19th. She is still awaiting her grades from UMass. She has seven of them! She is assured of four A's but fears she earned her first C since her freshman year in high school. I am still hoping for a curve. She is also on the ballroom dance team though an ankle injury prevented her from competing this year. Her partner is a girl. Even after she explained it to me, I do not really understand the concept. I understand team and I understand ballroom dance but I do not grasp the concept of a ballroom dance team. This will not stop me from being proud and bragging on her. In this picture, she is eating a lettuce wrap. For this, she received grief from the entire family, including her sister the nutritionist. She was a great sport letting me take the picture while eating. In her shoes, I would have smacked me...
HLN is getting a ten-day reprieve from Tennessee Children’s Dance Ensemble before dancing six days a week the remainder of the summer. Though she still hates high school with a passion I reserve for Raven-SymonĂ©, she made straight A’s. Presently, she is house sitting for a family in Farragut who own five poodles. Thus, the Noodle is watching poodles.
- Our dear friends LRH & SLH attended. Their son ALH, who was unable to attend, will be married on August 23rd. A blimp will take aerial photos of the event, which will be almost like having their very own paparazzi. They plan to honeymoon in Italy.
It was great to see everyone. I always feel so blessed as I not only love my family, I like them.
Also on Saturday, LBT graduated from Berean Christian School. JTH was once a fixture in she and her sister’s lives. He reports that her graduation was two hours long. There are only 48 people in her class so I am not sure how that is possible unless every kid gave their testimony... I appreciated the invite. Congratulations to all who graduated on Saturday.
On Sunday morning, I drove to Newport to preached at Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (located at 140 Lincoln Avenue). WAM, the official bodyguard of WC Vinson Ministries, road shotgun. He was announced in the service as my "friend and bodyguard." While this pleased him, he was disappointed that his name was not in the bulletin. This picture of WAM working the punching bag was taken later in the day at CAL’s house.
He is working on his bodyguard nickname. He said, “I’m like 47 (read: Hitman video game reference) except I have hair.” I told him this could be his official job description if he wished. He debated much of the day on his “codename.” He began with 94 (twice as good as 47), then went to 47X (he thought a letter sounded “cool”), then moved to 42 (the mystical number in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). When the trip ended, he was favoring "42X" though this could change. This went on all day. For further WAM insights, check the WAM Quote of the Day.
We arrived at the church in time for a celebration of the church’s two high school graduates - Matthew Winter and Earl “Dusty” Rhodes IV. Yes, I attended a graduation party for Dusty Rhodes. I asked the kid if he was a fan of his professional wrestling namesake and though he said yes I think he was just obliging the visiting minister. In the worship service they asked “all of the graduates” to stand. Both did.
Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is the home church of CAL and several others I have known much of my life. It is a well-established church, having held its first worship service on October 25, 1942 and being officially recognized on June 20, 1943. The church was founded by the late C.A. Rhodes who saw a need for a Lutheran church in Newport.
This was my first gig at a Lutheran church. I think I have preached for just about every denomination known to man. More importantly, I actually worked with an acolyte for the first time. Her name was Sadie and she is finishing seventh grade this week. I was told that an acolyte is also known as a “worship assistant.” Who on earth would go by “worship assistant” if they could be called "acolyte?" I was pleased Sadie was referenced as the acolyte in the bulletin.
My "aunt" CTL conducted the service and I preached. I was actually hidden behind the pulpit much of the service. Yes, I took a photo from my perch. I considered preaching from there as "the voice of God." I am fairly confident my judgment not to was sound.
I preached on Matthew 6:24-34 in a sermon titled "Don't you fret." It had a solid socially relevant message but was not entertaining enough for my tastes. Fred Craddock preached at Mt. Hermon United Methodist Church in Powell on the same day and I honestly would have rather heard him than me.
En route to lunch, we stopped at my grandmother’s grave site. The headstone has yet to be put in though her plot is still fresh. Why are all the bodies buried facing east?
After the service, I met my family at the Holiday Inn for lunch. We even had reservations. Don’t be too jealous. I am truly blessed as my family always supports me when I preach back home. On this day my grandparents and my aunt MCVD joined myself. CAL sat with us. MCVD's husband, ECD, was ill and could not attend. It was interesting to introduce MCVD to WAM as his mother JLM lived on the same floor as she at Carson-Newman College and was in her wedding.
We then went to the Leibrock farm. CAL is living in her parent’s old home on their massive property. The house was built in the late 19th century. It was the home both she and her father grew up in. She now sleeps in the master bedroom that once was her parents. I asked her if it felt strange sleeping in the room she might have been conceived in. If it hadn’t before...
She has made some modifications. She recently had the bathrooms re-tiled. They look great. There are also new decorations, with Prince William adorning the refrigerator and a “Say No To Crack” poster in the living room. The living room in the back of the house that was too elegant for us to enter as children now houses her father’s pool table. He played ten games of pool every Saturday with his dad. WAM and I got in a game of eight-ball. He beat me by one ball, but we both played absolutely horrible. On the plus side, nothing was broken.
Though she had modernized the bathrooms, CAL still has an antiquated stove and radio in her living room. She jokes at how disappointed robbers will be upon entering her home.
We then ate homemade cake and ice cream at her parent’s house located elsewhere on the property. This is the view from their porch. They own all the land as far as the eye can see. It is one of my favorite places on earth.
Both of their children, my friends, are doing well, other than CAL arriving late to my sermon. She is working for her father's law firm and her family is defending the “good Christian woman” Janet Lee Compton, 52, who shot up Hilltop Baptist Church on March 5th. She is charged with two counts of attempted first-degree murder, possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment involving a deadly weapon, and evading arrest. She was arraigned on Monday, May 12th, in Cocke County Circuit Court. I obtained all of this data from news reports. The only things they told me regarding the case were correcting me that she “allegedly...” shot up a church and my "uncle" insists that the 75 congregants present were mistaken in what they saw.
We discussed another case that their partner WOS consulted on regarding the UT vet school being sued for the death of a horse worth several hundred thousand dollars. Its intestines became tied and since horses are biologically incapable of vomiting, surgery proved difficult. CAL said that she thought they were negligent as she used to convince students that one had to peel a carrot before feeding it to a horse or else its stomach would explode. She would often prank call the university with similar concerns. Is it any wonder we have always been so close?
My “uncle” WL told me that the moral of the story is that if you have an expensive animal make it a cow so that you can qualify for government subsidizing as farm land. He chose the right profession.
Her brother WML is doing well working for Microsoft in Seattle. He completes training Tuesday (May 27th). His eight-man team won a competition this week and was rewarded with complimentary headsets. He is loving working with qualified people excited about what they are doing. His parents are stopping over to see him later in the year en roue to an Alaskan cruise.
Though his cat Elliott made the trip to Seattle, he did leave his 92-pound black lab, Raven, with his sister. She and CAL's little black dachshund, Rip, have become fast friends. Rip is about a year old and full of energy. He has proved very helpful in catching moles. The only problem is that he has dug more holes than the moles themselves would have.
After returning to Knoxville, my parents took RAW, KJW, and I to Ye Olde Steakhouse to celebrate his birthday. The restaurant is almost unanimously recognized as having the best steaks in Knoxville and my prime rib lived up to that billing. It is located in South Knoxville, which means one can get a great steak without a rigid dress code. KJW did dress up in a pink dress for the occasion.
The good news is that KJW was perfectly behaved. That is also the bad news as the pressure to produce grandchildren for my mother increases daily.
Finally, I received some good news on Friday as I finally heard from Hope Resource Center. You may remember that I interviewed with the non-profit organization on March 3rd. LEB e-mailed with the news that I can begin training on June 4th. (LEB also has a blog that can be accessed here.) Please keep this ministry and my involvement in your prayers.
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