Sunday, April 6, 2008

WAM Quote of the Day - 4/6/2008

Somehow the issue of cannibalism arose today. The WAM Quote of the Day will be the outset of this conversation:

"All those women who eat their mother. It is a custom in those cannibal tribes..."

The discussion then veered into whether or not Jesus' declaring all foods clean included cannibalism (Mark 7:19) and specifically whether the food was dead before or after the decision to eat. I felt like I stood on solid theological foundation when I spoke against cannibalism.

Today's Honorable Mention came in respose to four Bible Trivia questions:

In response to the question “Which book tells the story of Balaam's donkey?" [Numbers (22)]: "Hezekiah." While Hezekiah was a prominent king, he does not have a canonical book named after him.

In response to the question “What son of Omri succeded him as king of Israel?[Ahab (I Kings 16:28)]: "I keep wanting to say that guy from Harry Potter...Hagrid." WAM was going for Herod when I gave the hint that the king in question was wicked.

In response to the question “Who was Reuben's mother?” [Leah (Genesis 29:32)]: "What was her name?" That was the question...

In response to the question “In what year of the reign of Josiah did Jeremiah begin to prophesy.” [13th (Jeremiah 2)]: "The second year after the birth of his first son...Well, I could have been right." Touché.

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