Monday, April 21, 2008

In Eckleburg's Eyes - 4/21/2008

The weekend marked the end of my weeklong birthday celebration. With Monday comes my usual diet, work out routine, etc. On the plus side, I may make all birthday celebrations a minimum one week in length. At my age, they are getting more impressive.

I spent Friday night with a group of MoFos "executives" at Applebees. The place was packed as the GPS Track and Field team occupied half of the restaurant. As regulars, we were escorted in ahead of many waiting in line. I debuted my Applebees Carside shirt I bought in Charleston and I would like to think this contributed to our preferential treatment.

In attendance were GAB, SCB, JTH, JBT, and myself. I received JBT & SCB's wedding invitation earlier in the day. The two will be married on July 26 at Main Street Baptist Church in Clifton Forge, Viginia. Yes, another road trip.

I spent the night trying to persuade JTH to approach a aingle girl sitting with a couple. I even had our waitress Amy (sister to our usual waitress) assist in the process. (I apologize for the grainy surveillance photo but the flash would have been conspicuous.) Admittedly, she used her cell phone the entire time she was with her friends. This is rude, but she was attractive. This alone makes her an upgrade over JTH's present love interest, CDM. Yes, her MySpace is listed under the classy "the bitches queen." My disapproval is quite open as her name is now 212 - the area code I was in when they renewed their relationship and how many strikes she has against her. Sorry, I feel better now.

I spent Saturday morning at the church working with a group of nine volunteers. The work benefits Edwin L. Hodges Ministries. CMU was such a work horse that the group named him "Forklift." I worked diligently as well and only brought home two books. My restraint never ceases to amaze me.

A drizzle prevented any chance of me attending the annual orange and white game. The game caps the spring football season at UT and is free to the public. It seems Jonathan Crompton will be the Vol quarterback when the 2008 season begins. This is little surprise. Crompton completed 13 of 20 passes for 266 yards and three touchdowns, leading the white team to a 38-16 win over the orange squad. It is sad how little interest I have in Tennessee football these days.

On Saturday afternoon, SPP brought me what has been my favorite birthday card to date. I would feel old, but on the same day, I read an article about Edna parker of Shelbyville, Indiana, turning 115 on Sunday (4/20). People who exceed 110 years of age are called a supercentenarians . They actually have a word for that.

Thanks again to SPP.

Saturday night was spent at RAW's with KLTW, KJW, and RAW. I brought an assortment of candies from Russell Stover. Any time I am in the mood for these, I bring them to KLTW as eating them with a female reduces the homosexual quotient significantly. She never seems to mind. Neither does anyone else for that matter.

KJW spent much of the evening playing with Mega Bloks. These are generic oversized Legos. Lego has a brand called Duplo, but I went with the generic at KLTW's request. They are designed for children 2-6, but KJW is significantly advanced - by two months. I even bought her the “girl” pink/red kind to appease her "Nana.".

We watched Juno on DVD. I just love that film and they had not seen it. KJW conked out about the time the movie started. She even told us it was time for her to go to bed. She is the easiest kid EVER!

KLTW and RAW liked the movie. It was especially entertaining watching with KLTW as she is a medical technician. There is a seen which Juno summarizes as follows "Yeah I came as soon as I got that ultrasound goo off my pelvis. It was crazy actually, my step-mom verbally abused the ultrasound tech and we got escorted off the premises." It was awesome watching that with KLTW.

By the way, what is boysenberry?

I returned to RAW's on Sunday morning to teach Sunday School. RAW had built KJW her own church out of MegaBloks. I have a feeling he will be using them as much as she. When she had consumed her oatmeal, we had class. Insights from WAM are posted as usual under the "WAM Quote of the Day."

I spent the afternoon spring cleaning with JTH. Cleaning with JTH is like shooting hoops with Michael Jordan, acting with Al Pacino, or singing with Hilary Duff.

It seemed very fitting to spend April 20 with JTH...

The highlight of the cleaning was the discovery of a vintage Hulk Hogan wrestling buddy. Though the buddy has seen better days, we have begun the process of salvaging him. If he survived many a vicious battle with CEH's Sting wrestling buddy, he can survive some marker and dust, albeit lots and lots of those.

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