Sunday, March 23, 2008

WAM Quote of the Day - 3/23/2008

WAM watched the Tennessee-Butler game at my house today. The Quote of the Day came afterwards as we watched the outset of the Memphis-MSU game. One player listed his major as "Interdisciplinary Studies." As we were discussing the merits of this field, WAM asked:

"Do they have a class on sex. I don't mean sex ed. I mean where they pull toys out and stuff."

I'm thinking (and hoping) no.

Honorable mention:

  • "Have you heard about that-no probably not." WAM was asking me if I had heard of a technological advance and stopped mid-question to answer his own question.
  • "How does it feel watching TV on such antiquated technology?"
  • Speaking of which, what was the name of that website -" This was hysterical as the "speaking of which" was preceded by dead silence.

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