Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bible Trivia - 3/8/2009

Question: What French philosopher who died in 1778, said that within 100 years of his time. Christianity would be swept from existence and pass into history, only to have his house used by the Geneva Bible Society after his death to print Bibles?

Answer: Voltaire.

Comments: The highly influential French philosopher and deist (not atheist) Voltaire (1694-1778) was one of Christianity’s greatest critics. In a letter to Frederick the Great in 1767, Voltaire wrote, “Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.”

While Voltaire’s loathing of Christianity is undeniable, the widespread apologetic story of his home being used to print Bibles is likely apocryphal. Details of the story such as date, location, and Bible society vary with each telling. It does not appear any home Voltaire ever owned was ever owned by a Bible society. For a comprehensive analysis of this myth, see the article “Voltaire's House and The Bible Society” published by The Open Society, the Journal of the New Zealand Association of Rationalists and Humanists.

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