-Angela Green (AJG) opened the door (I cannot accurately say she greeted us). She was startled by our presence. After some discussion and properly identifying ourselves more than once, we were admitted. Thankfully, LMM was home!
-It was great to see LMM. We sat with her on her bedroom floor and caught up as it had been some time since we had seen her. She invited us to her wedding, on June 20th in Tennessee. Though her family is from Ohio, her parents recently bought a vacation home on Norris Lake so she still has ties to the area. Her fiancé is a missionary to southeast Asia named Ryan. The California native is currently living in Austin, Texas. LMM had been packing all day to move there the following week, hence she did not receive our phone calls. She will work there for the time being but the couple plans on heading back to the mission field in 2010. Her eyes lit up as she talked about and to Ryan in our presence. We were happy that she was so happy.
-Regarding lodging, her roommate opposed allowing visitors to stay in the home. She would not even permit Ryan to stay there when he visited. Amazingly, LMM called neighbors from down the street. They were away (like many smart locals) and LMM had a key to their home. After LMM vouched for us, they agreed to let us use their home which was within walking distance of the Metro. We were pleased. With JTH involved I could honestly say we would leave their home cleaner than when we arrived. Sadly, I am unaccustomed to prayers being answered sd quickly.

-With that, we were in for the night, at least until 4 am when the Metro reopened as part of its special Inauguration hours.
-Finally, Monday was my mother’s birthday. I missed seeing you Mom!
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