Thursday, January 1, 2009

In Eckleburg's Eyes - 1/1/2009

I spent most of New year’s Eve working but did spend part of the evening at MoFoS with JTH.

While the rest of the staff was at Halls completing inventory or taking the day off like normal human beings, JTH manned the west store. The store was slated to close at 6 pm but since he volunteered to stay until close, the store maintained its usual closing time of 10 pm. Business was slammed, largely because MoFoS was one of the few businesses in town that remained open.

I must note that the clientele was actually slower than normal. Why? Anyone with a life would not be at MoFoS on New Year’s Eve. Yes, I realize I incriminated myself in that comment. This customer was the slowest of a slow lot. Immediately upon entering the store, he asked where the “cheap stuff” was. JTH directed him to the clearance wall where signs denoted that all movies in that section were $5. His wife then brought him to the box set wall. She started complaining about prices until he corrected her claiming that everything in the store was $5. After an extended stay he purchased one and only one item: a $1 copy of RedLine.

Sorry. I needed to vent. Rest assured that since my surveillance photography is getting this good, I will be beaten for it soon and get a well deserved comeuppance.

Speaking of RedLine, the MoFoS staple item, a new contestant has emerged in single customer Redline sales. JTH is still in the lead with 11 and TJK has not eclipsed his nine but the store manager now has a sale of nine of nine posted.

I added a new marketing concept to the movie on this night. I took a Sharpie and signed a RedLine DVD and repriced it at $2. We will see if this marketing ingenuity pays off. If someone actually buys it, I win the contest. Period. There is no prize other than pride, but oh what pride I will have.

Thankfully, we also were visited by people we knew: my cousins MLW and HANW and ANDR and PCR. ANDR is still having stomach problems and has a doctor’s appointment scheduled on January 21st. Keep her in your prayers.

PCR also announced that he has recruited another member to our church league basketball team. You may remember that his friend Brandon has agreed to be our point guard next season. After building up our back court, he has now potentially strengthened our front court. He told me that he has contacted a 6'6" friend that used to work at Journey’s. I needed to know nothing else about the guy. While I will remain the coach, I am appointing PCR recruiting coordinator.

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