Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In Eckleburg's Eyes - 10/28/2008, Part 3

After the wedding, JTH and I were asked to join the bride and groom and her family at the Cracker Barrell. ANDR’s grandmother is “allergic” to fish (she really just abhors the smell of it) so we accommodated her by eating at the country staple.

En route, JTH and I made two stops, to Pacific Rem (a souvenir shop) and Roses (a department store). I had not been to a Roses since I was a kid in Newport.

The souvenir shop, like many of the places we went to, sold sharks in a jar. Why?

We then joined the bride’s family at the restaurant. Her father made fun of her mother for being northern. She is from Michigan, though she has lived in the south for some time. He ridiculed her for her inability to properly say, “slicker than a minnow’s Peter”. He asked JTH and I if we could pronounce the expression and we had to admit that we had never tried.

Afterwards, the bride and groom asked us to spend their wedding night with them. (You read that correctly.) We went across the highway to the Ron Jon Surf Shop before heading back to their hotel, the Holiday Inn Express. When we arrived, ANDR proudly displayed her new D’Eva Bra. She and JTH posed for this picture shortly after we arrived. Believe it or not, this moment was not the least bit awkward. I do not know if that is good or bad so you be the judge.

PCR and ANDR were staying in Room 115. The significance of this was that it once served as a conference room and as such had a very high ceiling. The ceiling was so high that one could jump on the bed without hitting one’s head. We know this because one tried to do so.

This also gave us a chance to play volleyball in the room. The room adjoined with ANDR’s grandmother’s so her little brother Hunter joined us. (This family must be really close.) When this grew boring, we added a degree of difficulty. A chair was placed in front of the bed and JTH practiced hurdling the chair, diving on the bed, while hitting the ball back to PCR. As you can see, ANDR filmed this. Of all the things to film on your honeymoon...

Afterwords, JTH and I made the trek back to our hotel in North Myrtle Beach where we played Sudoku, which did often on this trip. JTH also texted ALK continuously. Their conversation must not have been too riveting as he fell asleep mid-text. This is not a posed photo. ALK do not feel bad, he does this with everyone.

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