Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In Eckleburg's Eyes - 10/21/2008

On Monday afternoon, I ate lunch with SMA at Litton’s. I asked if my old friend JLM was working. The hostess looked at me like I was crazy and I feared she had gotten fired. I was soon informed that she never works Mondays as needs at least a “couple days to get over the weekend.” Good to know.

We ran into my church’s youth minister TSC and one of his students, Tanner Fine. It is uncanny how often SMA runs into TSC. We noted this and TSC claimed he did not see SMA that often. We are fairly certain this was an attempt to evade stalking allegations.

SMA and I spent the day discussing politics and religion. It was interesting as he is very conservative and I am...not. My stance using Christian just war theory could not dissuade him from his support of the Iraqi war. He was able to point out some inconsistencies in my politics for which I am genuinely grateful.

We also talked about a religious program he had seen on the History Channel over the weekend. He was surprised to learn Armageddon was an actual location and we discussed traveling there. We thought about putting our names in rocks so that the end of times battle will stop with somebody going, “Hey, SMA was once here!”

On Monday night, I hung out with JTH and TK at MoFoS before JTH and I joined JDM and ANS for dinner. As you can tell TK is a diligent worker. He made this rubber band ball all by himself.

I also finally met RW who works at the Halls branch. She was visiting. I liked her very much. She showed me her tattoos, one of which displays James 4:12. We did have one minor dispute. It seems JBT had also promised her the skill crane at the Halls store at one point. You may remember I too have been promised the broken game. Until said machine is given away, we agreed not to fight over it.

Afterwards, JTH and I joined the former Couple X at Applebees. Marlana was our waitress. As usual, she was wearing a brightly colored shirt. We discussed it and she confessed, “I’m not a black person.” No kidding. She was embarrassed when she realized what she had said.

It was good to see JDM and ANS. We discussed ways to get JDM off of work for our basketball game on Thursday. ANS also educated us on Girls Next Door of whom she is a huge fan. She told us, “Bridget (Marquardt) is the only one that has real boobs.” Good to know. I note this because some day I will reference this in conversation and I will get a really shocked looked from the person with whom I am conversing. Now I have documented my source.

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