Monday, October 6, 2008

Bible Trivia - 10/6/2008

Question: In Saul’s first battle against the Philistines who were the only two in the Israelite army to carry swords?

Answer: Saul and Jonathan. (I Samuel 13:22)

Comments: During Saul's first campaign against the Philistines, swords were at a premium with only Saul and his son Jonathan possessing the weapons. This is significant as the Philistines were far more technologically advanced and, as is often the case, used their veritable monopoly on technology to suppress their neighbors, including the Israelites.

So it came about on the day of battle that neither sword nor spear was found in the hands of any of the people who were with Saul and Jonathan, but they were found with Saul and his son Jonathan. (I Samuel 13:22, NASB)

Saul’s own sword would be the weapon that killed him. (I Samuel 31:4)

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