Sunday, September 28, 2008

WAM Quote of the Day - 9/28/2008

After attending church this morning, I took WAM to eat brunch at the Copper Cellar . He gave me two quotes which tie for the Quote of the Day.

Somehow, the topic of my not drinking coffee emerged. (With the exception of Sundays, I drink only water.) WAM, a coffee addict, assured me that this choice was acceptable. He remined me:

“Coffee is somewhat of an acquired taste, like chicken.”

Later in the conversation, WAM asked me to differentiate between Facebook and MySpace. I noted that both were social networks. I distinguished them using a comparison given me by JTH: Facebook is more daytime while MySpace is night time. He applied this data as follows:

“That would explain why RAW and KLTW are on MySpace.”

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