Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In Eckleburg's Eyes - 8/5/2008

I had a great Monday night with KLTW, KJW, and RAW. This week marks KLTW's hiatus from a rigorous quarter at South College. So what did she do on her first day off? Among other things, she cooked me my favorite meal - chicken 'n dumplings. This is a woman with her priorities in order. (Note: KJW does not like this meal, so she instead ate a cheese sandwich which is evidently better when separated and mashed.)

KJW was extremely tired all night and it was obvious the poor child was not feeling well. We made a pallette for her on the couch and she watched television and laid there most of the night, highly irregular for the active child. On the plus side, she was also highly susceptible to snuggling and we all took advantage of her rare stillness. Germs?

An update of KJW's development: she has learned the art of both subtly and bluntly asking for what she wants. For instance earlier in the day she exclaimed, "Mommy, I know! You need to take me to the park today." Contrast this with the subtle, "I think SpongeBob is on." In my experience, probability is always in her favor on that one.

She has also learned to fist bump like athletes. This has replaced the high five in her repertoire. Her responses of yes and no have been replaced by "yes, sir" and "no way". Also, her new big word is "propaganda". It is a shame this word does not come into conversation more often.

Inspiration also struck on Monday. KLTW was still feeling the effects from moving obese hospital patients all weekend. Clearly, a size 0 like KLTW should not be moving 400-pound unconscious men for her sake and theirs. In response, RAW plans on creating a "Medical Fat People Mover". As long as he employs that sensitive moniker, I cannot manage the project not raking in millions.

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