On Tuesday night, my parents took KLTW, KJW, RAW, and I to eat at Calhoun’s. Upon arriving, KJW instructed her parents to look at the dinosaurs. Evidently, a group of trees was configured like dinosaurs, which she is familiar with from books. In her spectrum, all reptiles are either “dinosaurs” or “bugs.” This is a sure sign that they need to illustrate children’s books to scale.
As usual my mother was enamored of KJW. (Maybe it’s genetic.) In this photo, KJW (with her ever present Frannie Bear) is counting the chairs in the waiting area for my mother. For the record, there were five.
KJW’s parents are doing well. KLTW is lobbying to work at Fort Loudoun Medical Center in Lenoir City next quarter. It is the hospital closest to her house that offers her program. She is petitioning under the (accurate) pretext that the equipment at Morristown-Hamblen where she works is dated and she would like an opportunity to use newer equipment. Pray for this situation as a change in hospitals would greatly reduce her commute.
In her research, KLTW has also found a job opportunity she wishes me to seek. Evidently, ETSU is seeking a “mobile chaplain” for sororities.
On this night, RAW was also doing some lobbying. His uncle, RSC, alerted him to coyote outbreaks in the area. RSC is far from an alarmist, but he wanted to make sure KJW was protected. RAW is using this to push for buying a gun: a pellet gun “for now”. So far, KLTW is not budging. (To be honest, I hope she wins this one.)
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