Thursday, March 6, 2008

In Eckleburg’s Eyes - 3/6/2008

I spent the evening hanging out with KJW, MPW, RAW, and later KLTW. We ate and watched the Vols beat the Gators in basketball on television. MPW brought food from Arby’s. I put the bill on my tab. I had not owed him money in about a week and I now feel all is right with the world again.

In a respite from pink, KJW was wearing her mother’s favorite color - brown. Yes, that really is KLTW’s favorite hue. I did give KJW her red Cars t-shirt. Her other gifts will have to wait to be rationed at a later date. Left unchecked, Uncle Chan has a mild tendency to spoil the child. (By mild, I mean enormous.) Plus, each gift has a greater impact if it is the lone gift of the day.

KJW can now count to 12, though she habitually omits seven and eleven. Those are the only numbers with more than one syllable so we think she just struggles to enunciate them and instead of slowing down her rhythm, she just bypasses them. That or she does not like convenience stores. It’s a toss up.

Sadly, this is exactly how a good deal of people apply Scripture. They just leave out the portions they do not like. I will stop preaching now...

As evidenced by this picture, KJW has also learned to pick her nose. As can also be seen in the photo, we are so proud.

The highlight of the evening (outside of the Vol win) was when KJW asked MPW to show some skin so she could exclaim, “Woo Woo!” MPW, who would do anything for his niece, said promptly and stoicly, “I don’t ‘woo woo.’” Fair enough.

I did receive some bad news yesterday. Airborne appears to be a fraud! I have long taken the medication at the first signs of a cold to reduce its effects. My family and I have been supporters of Airborne since its inception. My mother especially wanted to support the fellow teacher who invented the drug. It appears we have all been duped.

A class action lawsuit alleged that Airborne Health, Inc. provided false advertising for the benefits of their product. The company claimed that their product provided the ability to cure or prevent the common cold as well as other therapeutic benefits. There is very little proof that the product works, leaving many customers to believe that they are paying money for a placebo.

Though the company technically has admitted no wrongdoing, they have lost a $23 million to suit. You can file an online claim against Airborne here. Being the Christian I am, I have opted to not file a claim. My Christianity and the fact that I am pretty sure walking around in shorts in winter does not help my health.

Finally, my beautiful baby cousin, ACN, turned 19 yesterday. This is her first birthday away from home as she is a freshman at UMass. I am quite proud of her (and all of my cousins). Unfortunately, I learned that she sustained a foot injury that prohibits her from her favorite pastime - dancing. Being the fine Christian minister I am, I offered to beat up the culprit who has curtailed her dancing. Unfortunately, she injured herself. So it appears I am obligated to beat her up. That is no good. Happy birthday, anyway. I will see you March 14 or soon thereafter!

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