Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bible Trivia - 3/5/2008

Question: Who said, “We have found the Messiah.”?

Answer: Andrew. (John 1:41)

Comments: At the outset of the Gospel of John, Andrew tells his brother, Simon Peter, of his belief that the Messiah had been found. There is a subtle nuance in his profession. He does not claim, “I” have found the Messiah, but rather “we.”

Nowhere in the New Testament does Andrew utter the word, “I.” In telling his brother about Jesus, he effectively becomes the first home missionary in the New Testament and in telling the Greeks of Jesus in John 12:21-23, he also becomes the first foreign missionary. Nothing he did was ever self focused. To borrow a sports cliché, there is no “I ” in Andrew. His life was simply not about him. Perhaps this is why he was so effective.

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