Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bible Trivia - 3/20/2008

Question: What was the third sign Moses gave to the Israelite leaders to convince the, he had come from God?

Answer: He changed water to blood. (Exodus 4:9)

Comments: Moses was given three signs to validate that his mission from God. His staff could transform into a serpent (Exodus 4:3), his hand could become leprous (4:6), and water taken from the Nile could be converted to blood (4:9). Moses asked for a sign and received three.

The final sign is the only one that he did not act out when it was bestowed as he was not near the Nile River. Evidently, Moses used all three of these signs to enlist the Israelites but it is unclear if this was necessitated by the first two proving ineffective (4:28). Thus, it is unknown if the third time was the charm or not in this case.

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