Monday, March 17, 2008

Bible Trivia - 3/17/2008, #2

Question: What action of David offended his wife Michal?

Answer: He danced (in praise of the Lord). (II Samuel 6:16)

Comments: Of all the things that David did - not the least of which was being a polygamist - it was dancing that offended Michal! Either he had absolutely no rhythm or she was a Baptist...

Actually, she thought that his demonstration of worship was undignified for a king. (II Samuel 6:20) The text concludes on the note that Michal was barren for the duration of her life, with the implication that her condition was directly related to her criticism. (II Samuel 6:23) Whether God "closed her womb" or David stopped sleeping with her is left for the reader to decide. I choose the former as abstinence does not seem to fit David’s character.

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