Thursday, February 7, 2008

Prayer Blog - 2/7/2008, #2

BE continues to struggle with lung cancer. Pain in his thigh has been mitigated to an extent, but overall, his condition remains the same. Pray for reduced pain and possible healing.


Chandler Vinson said...

BE's condition has worsened. Tumors threaten to burst through his skin, a hosital bed has been placed in his home, and hospice has been called. Last night, he needed help to return to his room. (He had usually been able to help himself with a cane.) May he complete any unfinished business he has and say anything that has been left unsaid.

Chandler Vinson said...

BE's condition appears to be worsening. MLM, CMU and I had planned on holding Bible Study at his house on Friday but he was unable. Please keep him in your prayers.

Chandler Vinson said...

BE passed away on March 6th. Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.