Monday, February 4, 2008

Prayer Blog - 2/4/2008 #3

MDR has an appointment 2/6/2008 to determine if his cancer is in remission. If not, 12 months of chemotherapy will ensue.


Chandler Vinson said...

Yesterday, MDR, met with his doctor, William Muse. Bopsy results will be revealed Froday, 2/8. MDR went how with a catheter. The family and Dr. muse both appear to be optimistic.

Chandler Vinson said...

MDR's biopsy came back cancer free. It did not spread anywhere. He will continue treatments for some time because this will significantly reduce the chances of a recurrence.

Chandler Vinson said...

MDR played Monday in the church basketball league and looked great. He is winning the battle now but has two years left of treatments. Keep him in your prayers.