Yesterday morning, I led Bible Study at the BS (Bible Study) Arena, otherwise known as the Bride’s Room. MLM, CMU, and I studied Luke 4:40-41 and its parallel passages in Matthew and Mark. I learned a valuable lesson. If a member of your Bible Study has the same name as one of the books you are reading, have that person read the passage from the book they are named after. Otherwise a communication train wreck will ensue.
Notes from the study should be available on Sunday.
Afterwards, I ate with SMA, RLN, and BR at Silver Spoon. Yes, I picked the restaurant even though I had eaten there the previous night. RLN and BR arrived separately but had the same initial responses to both myself and SMA - “Your hair is getting long” and “Why are you here?” respectively. They have lived together far too long.
I spent the afternoon with KGG. We went to Smoothie King for her standard Caribbean Way, to Farragut for a visit with KLTW, and to hang out with JTH at MoFos. The most noteworthy aspect of our journey was that this was the first time she has driven my vehicle. She did a great job despite the first half of our driving being directly into the sun.
When Truett Gannon was pastor of Smoke Rise Baptist Church, he routinely let his youth drive his car the day they got their license. I did him one better by letting someone with a permit drive mine. Somewhere Truett is smiling.
While KGG was at Young Life, I spent the night with her parents, JCG and LBG. It was so good to see them. While I at UT, I often quoted JCG in philosophy papers, presently him as an expert - which he is. He has not lost his philosophical bent as we discussed among other topics whether or not God hates trailers. He asserted that God does because trailers are more frequently destroyed by acts of God than any other type of home. I countered that perhaps God loves them more as evidenced by giving them free rides. I suppose this will be one of the first questions I ask God when I get to heaven.
I always enjoy their company so much that I lose track of time. This time it was of great benefit because it was after ten o’clock. This meant I could join JTH at Applebees for half-priced appetizers. Any time I eat at the Spoon and Applebees in the same day, it has been a good day.
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