Still debilitated by illness, I spent most of yesterday sleeping. I still made all of my previously scheduled appointments. I am not alone in my sickness. Knox County schools were closed yesterday (as well as today) as infirmity has produced a teacher shortage.
During the morning, I led Bible Study with MLM and CMU. MLM has the same symptoms as me. I taught on Matthew 5:13. This is the excerpt from the Sermon on the Mount in which Jesus refers to the “the salt of the earth.” This prompted MLM to sing a chorus from the musical, Godspell. I am not sure if it was his medication or not.
You are the salt of the earth
You are the salt of the earth
But if that salt has lost it's flavor
It ain't got much in its favor
You can't have that fault and be the salt of the earth!
Though, I was well prepared for the study, having researched the passage and translated it from the Greek, I was very slow mentally and spoke very little. Still, many notes were taken and MLM received the inspiration for his upcoming devotion at staff meeting. Come to think of it, they seemed to enjoy this lesson where I was largely silent more than most. Hmmm...
Abbreviated notes of the study will be posted (God willing) on Sunday.
After Bible Study, I hung out with JTH, shopping at McKay’s and eating at Wishbones. Evidently, one can never be too sick to shop for books.
Last night, I went to the Silver Spoon CafĂ© with my parents and my “aunt” CTL, her children CAL, WML, and HAL and her beautiful soon to be five-year old granddaughter, OSL. We were redoing our recent dinner from as CAL had not been there for most of it. Silver Spoon was selected because it is my favorite restaurant. Unfortunately, I ate less than half of my meal. The evening was still wonderful as the company was superb.
OSL was recovering from flu-like symptoms and CAL informed her parents that the child needed to see a doctor. She based her expertise on the fact that she is now a lawyer. In fact, everything she said the entire evening was supported by the fact that she is now a lawyer. Even sedated, CAL amuses me.
CAL’s young legal career is going well. She told us that she asked a recent client if he had ever suffered from any mental illness. His response was that he had been enraged once and shot three people. A follow up question led to his confession that he had shot two other people. He was in jail on an unrelated crime. I honestly hope he has a mental illness. I just hope that CAL will not always have such classy clientele.
Afterwards, I went to bed before 9 pm for the first time in years. I knew that I needed to be as healthy as possible for the hectic Friday ahead.
Before closing I have one mild complaint to make. I highly endorse Comtrex as an antihistamine. What I do not like is the way it is packaged. A consumer has to buy the drug in increments of 30, with fifteen nighttime and daytime pills respectively. This is ridiculous as clearly there are far more hours in the day. Further, the dosage is in increments of two and they give you an odd number of pills. I realize this encourages people to buy two boxes instead of one, but this is ridiculous. I feel far better having gotten this off my chest.
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